Friday, March 14, 2008

St. Pats - time to get SHADDYYYYYY

Thats right bitches, its St. Patricks Day weekend. Rog sent me a card, so its now official. Never mind that I had to request vacation for the weekend, or that some of the gays that I call compadre's are dropping out, but I'm getting off work early and I'm getting all sorts of Irish. I was brainstorming about good St. Pat's day t-shirt ideas (mostly for the ladies), and I figured I'd write some of the best ones down here, so I could read them later and laugh about them.

- Kiss me or I'll roofie your drink
- Kiss me or I'll tell everyone you're gay
- Kiss me I'm braugh-less
- Kiss me I'm on the pill
- Kiss me, I'm asymptomatic
- I'm HIV-positive you want to kiss me
- Kiss me (RU) 486 times.
- Plan B is my Plan A. Kiss me.

And my favorite:

- I don't have morals, but I do have Plan B. Kiss me.

If I find a woman wearing any of those sayings tomorrow, she better watch out, cause Glenn is rolling strapped. Plan for the weekend:

4pm: Off work, heading home
4:10: Pants off, beer open
6pm: Shamrock and Roll and Lucious B. Jacksons. The continuation of the debatchury of the past years Shamrock and Roll from Boston, but with a gayer, more married feel in the heart of Tysons corner.
8pm: Catch the train. I'm holding a one way ticket to Blackout City, USA.
~10pm - 4am: Pass out. Hopefully indoors. Maybe with a bed. We'll see.

9am: First beer of the day. Delicious!
10am: Kegs and eggs with Phil and Denny. Apparently there will be ladies, but with those two throwing the party, I don't expect much.
12pm - undetermined: Shamrockfest, VIP style.

I already have a serious semi just reading about the itinerary. Check back Sunday. I'll take the plan and put what actually happened, hopefully with photographic evidence. Watch out ladies, here I come.

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